New Lead


Select New Lead from your left-hand menu, then fill the basic information that you have available on the Lead and press the 'Save Changes' button.

In the Overview section select from the drop-down options that you have customised and created in your Settings in the following categories:

  • Lead Source
  • Referrer
  • Lead Status.

Notes / Comments:

The Notes section is available for you to capture any information about the lead, suggestions include:

  • How they came to know of your business
  • What sporting team they support
  • Where they like to go on holidays.


The red asterisks are the fields that are mandatory to complete in Infynity. The more comprehensive and accurate your applicants’ information is the more robust your database will be.

You can add another applicant under the same lead by clicking 'Add Applicant'.

Once the required inputs are filled, click the 'Save Changes'.