Quick Qualifier

This function is also known as 'Assess Serviceability'. Select the 'Import Data' option and then confirm the information that has prepopulated from your previous input into the related fields. Serviceability is determined by Infynity knowing key information such as how many applicants there are, if there are any dependants as well as Income, Commitments (expenses), Ongoing Loans and Proposed Loans as shown:

Assessment Rates

Quick Qualifier functions as a stand-alone calculator, the Quick Qualifier gives an accurate estimate of your client’s maximum borrowing capacity with each Lender. The results displayed are based on the individual lenders two very important factors:

  • Servicing / Assessment rates
  • Benchmarked Living Expenses

When you have completed the required input of client information, click on 'Calculate' and your results will be displayed as shown:

Results Sorted

The results will be sorted by Lender A-Z however the following options are available to you:

  • Sorted by Lender (Z-A)
  • Sorted by Servicing (Max to Low)
  • Sorted by Servicing (Low to Max)

At the bottom of the screen you also have the option to click 'View Details' this will give you an enhanced and detailed view of the Assessment Rate and Benchmarked Living Expenses as shown below: